
Showing posts from February, 2020

Divine Damage

All three of my photos are family owned pictures. One is from 1965, 1939 and 1943. They are all photos of my past relatives. I really enjoyed this project because it was fun bringing the pictures back to ‘life’ and using creativity for recontexualization. I loved seeing pictures from my family’s past to bring the memory of them into the modern world. Many of those people in those photographs have passed away, so by recontexualizing them with color and texture, it makes a great reminder that they are still with us.  This project made me think about the historical photographs that were taken during some of the world’s iconic moments. For an example, photos taken during World War ll during the holocaust could be recontexualized to give the photo an even stronger impact. The color would make the photo truly come ‘alive’ and redefine the photograph from a moment of time into an event that changed the world. The colors shows the image of what its truly looked like in the mom...

Entopic Graphomania

My entopic graphomania project reveals ideas within the lines and outside of the lines. My first example has several straight lines. Even though lines can be commonly defined as neat or parallel, this combination of lines suggests a randomness or even a type of constructed chaos. It could represent the never ending “to-do” list throughout life, especially as a college student. The dots could represent the starting point of each day, or season, and the connectivity of the lines could suggest a schedule, or a check list of things to do. The emptiness around and between the lines could suggest the “free time” that is often unclear with a busy schedule, yet if you make an order within the busyness (the lines), you can find time for self-care to make your mental state clean again. My second example is constructed of curves instead of lines. Drawing curved lines was strangely similar to drawing straight lines, yet it revealed more of my mental state instead of just the busyness. I’ve bee...

Mark Making Project

I  thought this project would be easier than it was. It was hard to calm my mind to draw the first instinct instead of something specific. Overall, I enjoy the drawings I created with my eyes close over the drawings with my eyes open. I especially love the drawing of the image of the person. I was imagining something in my mind yet the physical image was completely different. I think that this also shows that you don’t have to have your eyes open to create something beautiful. Even the drawings I created with my eyes open are pretty abstract since I allowed my mind to wonder. I believe that more art forms should allow this perspective because it really reveals the artist’s mind and their thoughts about what is going on in their life.