Text As Image Project

I decided to write “Your past doesn’t have to define you.” for this project. I really wanted to do something ambiguous but also personal for this assignment. I have had a lot of pain in my past and I’ve noticed it can effect who I am today. Yet, I’ve been learning that my past doesn’t have to define who I am today. I am learning that I can take what I have gone through and realize that without it, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I know that it will allow me to have a deep story that could perhaps impact or inspire others one day. I decided to use my own image of the Roman Colosseum when I studied abroad in Italy last year. I wanted something that suggested the idea of “past history” and that could also be a main canvas for the text. The Roman Colosseum is one of the world’s most iconic historical sites. Because of this, the viewer - universally- will recognize this ancient building and connect the text to the image. I also thought about all the gladiators and people that were killed and martyred there. Even though the colosseum holds the past of many dark stories, it does not effect the image of the colosseum today. Yes, its history is apart of the colosseum (and it always will be) but it still is standing strong reminding people that the past doesn’t have to crumble for your future. I thought that this connected nicely with my own story of my past and I thought it was a great way to conform the aesthetic of the text and image as well as the meaning behind both. I think that the conformity of the text and the image is a great way to bring the idea of the past into the future yet without allowing it to define the future. This photograph also had great lines and spaces where I could get creative with the word placing. I tried to make it seem as if the words were apart of the colosseum itself, suggesting the theme behind the work itself.  


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